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All articles tagged "Inbox"

What is an ecard? How to (safely) send last-minute holiday greetings

Are ecards still a thing? They may seem like a relic belonging to the early days of the internet, but in 2021 the New York Times reported a pandemic-related resurgence in ecards. Ecards are not just sent as email attachments anymore – there are also versions to send by text message or on social media platforms. more
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All about email: Understanding, organizing & writing emails

Email is an essential part of our daily lives and a must-have communication tool, both inside and outside the office. It’s not just about sending messages: email is also important for organizing schedules, sharing documents, and storing important information online. more
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Out of office messages: Examples and what to avoid

It’s time for some hard-earned time off! Whether you’re headed for the beach or visiting family you haven’t seen for a while, wouldn’t it be nice to disconnect from the digital world for a while? But before you disappear, you can set up automatic replies for your emails so the senders know when they can expect a reply. more
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New: Direct access to your mail.com email list

When you log in to your email account, the first thing you probably want to see is whether or not you have new messages. mail.com is now offering a more streamlined experience for our users who log in through the web browser. Instead of the “Home” tab, they now go straight to the inbox. more
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CC vs. BCC in email: Meanings and how to use them correctly

Cc and bcc can both be used to send copies of an email to additional recipients. But have you sometimes wondered what the letters stand for? Or have you steered clear of both because you aren’t quite sure about the difference between cc and bcc? We explain when to use cc vs bcc, how to find bcc in Outlook and your mail.com account – and the original meaning of cc. more
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How to create email distribution lists in Outlook and mail.com

Need to send an email to your book club or all the parents in your daughter’s class? If you email a group regularly, you can create an email distribution list, AKA a contact group, so you can send messages to them in a single click. Our blog shows you how to create email lists – in mail.com and using Outlook. more
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Email life hack: Save and edit mails using email drafts

It happens all the time – you start writing an email but get interrupted before you can finish. Or maybe you aren’t happy with how you’ve phrased something. No problem – just save your message and you can go back to it whenever you’re ready to put on the finishing touches. more
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Email organization: Two effective strategies for organizing your inbox

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of emails in your inbox? Occasionally forget to follow up on a message because it has slipped too far down on the list? Find yourself asking “What's the best way to organize emails?” more
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Why did my message bounce? The email header can tell you

Your email is hiding something: All the steps that show how each message got from sender to recipient. Lucky, this secret is not hard to crack – just have a look at the full header. If you need to figure out why a message bounced or report scam emails, this extended header has all the information you need. So where do you find it? more
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Practical keyboard shortcuts for your mail.com inbox

Searching for the right function to click in a menu can take time. That's why many laptop users have certain keyboard shortcuts they use to speed up their workflow, like Ctrl + Z to quickly undo a mistake. Others simply prefer their laptop keyboard to a touchpad or mouse. more
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