Looking for help with your mail.com account? If you visit the mail.com Help Center, you’ll find answers to most of your questions about our email, cloud storage, mail apps and other features.And new FAQs provide answers to customers’ most urgent questions in a single click.
Have you recently gotten an email asking you to enter your mail.com password or your account will be deactivated? Or received a request to log in to consent to changes in a company’s terms of use? Warning: These messages are examples of a kind of email scam known as “phishing”.
Because there are a lot of phishing mails circulating these days, here’s a refresher in how to protect yourself.
When you send, reply to, or forward an email, sometimes you don’t want the recipient to see your primary email address.
An email account with alias addresses allows you to create multiple email addresses and customize the sender address of your messages.
Guess who just turned one? The mail.com blog, with its weekly explainers and pointers that help you get the most out of your email.
To celebrate our first 100+ posts, we share five favorites – and ask for your suggestions.
Are you having problems logging into your mail.com account? Because we know how important your email is, the mail.com blog is here to help.
Today, we look at nine troubleshooting tips to help you sign in again.
Does your smartphone double as your camera? Nowadays most people answer that question with a “Yes!” But is it also the only place you save your photos? If your phone is lost, stolen or damaged, this could mean losing all your precious memories.
Why take that risk when you can activate automatic photo backups instead?
You may have heard of people setting up email accounts or social media accounts for their pets. But for a tree!? It turns out that plant emails are actually a thing, and not just for bored owners of houseplants.
Scientists and local politicians have sown the seeds for this green phenomenon.
For all you fans of the free templates and office suite in your mail.com account, we’re pleased to announce several updates to our Online Office!
Find out how to create your own templates, edit attachments without downloading, and use the new ribbon toolbar.
Do you use the mail.com Cloud to store documents and photos? Then you’ll be happy to hear about our new cloud sync app that lets you access the mail.com Cloud on your desktop or laptop computer.
The tool is available for Windows and macOS operating systems – and gives you offline access to files in your mail.com Cloud.
mail.com introduces an easy way to download and/or share cloud docs and photos: With the new mail.com Cloud sync tool for Windows or Mac, files saved in the mail.com Cloud can also be made available offline.