friends hanging out in park with smartphone checking emails without spam

Say goodbye to email spam

Spam blocker keeps junk mail out

  • Automatic email spam screening

  • Email spam filter uses cutting-edge technology
  • Options to manually (un)block email addresses
friends hanging out in park with smartphone checking emails without spam keeps your inbox clean

spam filter mail calendar

Spam can be annoying – and even dangerous. It is a potential source of scams and malware that can put your devices and personal data at risk. So takes email spam very seriously. Our powerful spam blockers use highly complex algorithms to keep spam emails from ever reaching your inbox, while our dedicated team of mail security specialists works to keep our spam protection continually up-to-date. This lets identify and block more than 99 percent of mail spam.

What you can do to fight spam also puts tools into your hands to keep spam out of your email inbox. You can actively control the kinds of emails you want to see by “training” your personal spam filter. For example, there are some emails that don’t come from an actual spammer, but you still might prefer not to read – like messages from a store where you once made a purchase. If you mark such messages as spam, they will be immediately be moved to your inbox’s Spam folder. Based on this action, your spam filter learns to send the next email from the same sender directly to your Spam folder. You can also block a specific sender under > Email Settings: Just go to > Blacklist and enter the email address or domain, and all incoming messages from that sender will automatically be sorted to your Spam folder. On the other hand, you can ensure that a trusted sender’s messages never land in your Spam folder by adding their email address to your > Whitelist or saving them in your Contacts.

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Learn how to keep your inbox safe in our blog

Blog icon doesn’t just offer a great email spam filter. We also help you stay one (or several) steps ahead of email spammers with our explainers. So if you’d like to learn more about protecting yourself from phishing scams and other harmful spam or the best way to train your spam filter, visit our blog for the latest anti-spam news.

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FAQs: Spam filter

What is spam?

The term “spam” was first used in the 1990s to refer to unsolicited bulk email advertising. Today a large portion of spam emails are still commercial ads – like traditional “junk mail” – but spam can also be dangerous. Some spam messages are designed to trick us into opening attachments that contain malware or clicking links and giving away our personal data. And then there are mails that try to lure us into scams or hoaxes. Most email users find spam frustrating and annoying, and unfortunately there is a lot of it: A 2020 study showed that spam messages accounted for almost 54 percent of global e-mail traffic. Email spam blockers are employed to keep such messages from reaching email inboxes.

How can I make sure my email spam filter doesn’t block legitimate messages?

There are two good ways to keep trusted senders out of your Spam folder. First, add them to your email address book. And second, place them on your list of accepted senders, called a “whitelist.” In your account, you’ll find it under > E-mail Settings > Whitelist. Simply type in the email address of the trusted sender and click > Save. You can also whitelist entire domains, e.g., and all addresses from this domain will arrive in your inbox or other designated folder.

How does the spam email filter work?

The spam filter applies frequently updated parameters to designate emails as spam and automatically block them from your inbox. This includes:

  • Using checksum algorithms to identify unsolicited bulk emails
  • Analyzing emails for technical properties and errors that are typical of spam
  • Checking for fake sender address, i.e. was the email actually sent from the server associated with the domain name in its address
  • Comparing IP addresses and URLs with internal and external lists of blocked senders

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