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If you would like to customize your free email address using one of’s 100+ email domains, simply use our domain chooser at the top of the page, or alternatively, click on the domain name in the list below. You will be taken to our sign-up page, where you can check if your desired username is available in combination with that domain. You can try out different combinations until you find the perfect custom email address for you. Then you can proceed with registration by filling out the rest of the form.
If you want a truly unique, customized email domain, you will have to go through an email hosting service, web hosting service, or website builder. These providers offer custom email domains for purchase, or for free in conjunction with a paid web hosting plan. However, a free customizable email address can be made using our wide selection of email domains below.
The email domain is the part of your email address after the @ symbol. When you send an email, it first goes to a SMTP server. This outgoing mail server looks at the email domain of the delivery address to know which email server handles mails for that domain. It then transfers your message to the recipient server.
No. You could type in [username],, or even in an email address field and the message would still be delivered.