New: Password check by
“Strong enough or not strong enough?” When it comes to your password, that is indeed the question! And now with a free and secure password check in your email account, you can find out in a matter of seconds.
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New: Undo email sending in the Mail App for iOS
Who hasn’t been there? You quickly fire off an email and as soon as you hit send, you realize you forgot the attachment. Or there is an embarrassing typo. Or you didn’t really mean what you said. These regrets can now be a thing of the past!
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New: Updates to the mobile apps
You probably already love the mobile apps because they are a convenient and easy-to-use way to stay connected no matter where you are! But did you know that our App team is continuously making small improvements to make your email experience even better?
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New: Direct access to your email list
When you log in to your email account, the first thing you probably want to see is whether or not you have new messages. is now offering a more streamlined experience for our users who log in through the web browser. Instead of the “Home” tab, they now go straight to the inbox.
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New: Sharing Online Office files now even easier!
If you use the Online Office tools, you already know how easy it is to create, open, and edit all kinds of documents. Plus, there is the added bonus of saving them in your free Cloud, where they’re always accessible. And now has made it even easier to share files with others!
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New! Introducing the support chat
Not sure how to reset your password? Looking for help with a bounced email? Want to block an email sender but not sure how the blocklist works? Never fear – our new support chat is here to save the day!
253 people found this article helpful.
Free translation online: translator tool in your browser
Writing an email to make a reservation in another country? See a phrase in Chinese and need to translate it to English? Or vice versa? Never fear! Get the translations you need in just one click with the highly accurate translation widget.
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New: All your week’s appointments at a glance in your Organizer
Worrying about missing an appointment in your crowded calendar? Wouldn’t it be great to have a quick and convenient overview of your schedule? Look no further: The Organizer has a new sidebar to help you navigate through your week without a hitch.
135 people found this article helpful.
Your free Cloud gets a fresh new look
Sometimes it’s the little things that mean a lot! Our Cloud team has been working behind the scenes to make a series of small improvements to the Cloud – which add up to an even more delightful user experience for you!
173 people found this article helpful.
Send full resolution photos over WhatsApp on your Android phone
If you are like millions of other people across the planet, you use WhatsApp to send very important pictures of your cat or your latest craft project to select friends and family members. But the pictures are sent in a highly compressed format, so they aren’t really usable outside the app.
163 people found this article helpful.