Phishing scams – where you receive fraudulent messages pretending to be from a trusted sender designed to trick you into revealing personal data – have unfortunately become widespread and the criminals behind them have refined their techniques.
Why use a password manager? It can be hard to come up with and remember unique and secure passwords for all the websites we use nowadays. But as soon as we get lazy – using the same password on multiple sites or a weak password like Password123 – we leave our data vulnerable to hackers and other cyber criminals. One solution is to use a password manager.
Your email bounces back with a permanent error: “A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients.” When you look at the bounce message closely, you see it’s been blocked by “Spamhaus.” What’s that all about?
Fraudulent websites are a common example of a cybersecurity risk. Cybercriminals mimic the sites of trusted businesses to phish for visitors’ personal data or spread malware. One tool in their arsenal is typosquatting, where they buy domain names that are intentional misspellings of popular websites.
A lot of people have a “junk” email address or an old account they rarely log in to. But did you know that unused accounts can risk your online security and your data, and that inactive email accounts can “expire”? Explore your options for inactive email addresses.
SSL, TLS, https – it may seem like alphabet soup, but it actually has to do with the security of your data as you surf the web. Whether it’s your online banking credentials or the credit card information you enter on an online shopping site, SSL protocols keep sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.
The email provider is now using the international security standard DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance). This improves the protection of its users against fraud emails with forged sender addresses.
Have you ever wondered if you should enable 2FA for your online accounts? explains how two-factor authentication works and looks at the hows and whys of authentication apps.
Use 2FA with an authentication app for extra online protection
Keep reading to learn whether you could benefit from 2FA.
Online scams can take many forms, but the aim is often the same: harvesting personal data, login credentials, and account information to commit identity theft. And pharming is no different. Learn to recognize the signs of online fraud so you can protect yourself.