White keyboard with woman's fingers typing


All articles tagged "How-to"

How to make emojis from a keyboard on your laptop or computer

Most of us know how to make emojis on our phones, but did you know there is an emoji keyboard on your laptop as well? Today we show you several easy ways to do emojis on a computer – whether Windows or Mac – and where to find the emojis in your mail.com email. more
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The power of laughter: Email marketing doesn’t have to be boring!

Having a strong sense of humor is a quality we often search for in our partners and friends. And as cliché as it may sound, science has shown us that laughter is often the best medicine. But what if laughter could be more than just that? What if it can be a way to connect with your customers? more
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What to do if your phone gets wet: 5 steps

Did your phone fall into the sink or the pool? Or even worse, did you drop your phone in the toilet?  No matter how your phone got wet, it doesn’t have to mean it’s damaged beyond repair – but it’s important to act quickly! Keep reading to learn how to fix a wet phone. more
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How to turn off autocorrect on your phone

Sometimes autocorrect can save us from embarrassing typos. Other times it can drive us crazy – like when it overzealously corrects the names of our friends with unusual spellings. And sometimes things go completely wrong, and we end up texting about the monkey-back guarantee we’re getting on a new purchase. more
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How to rotate your computer screen – and why you should try it

How do you have your screen real estate set up? The trend now is to optimize your computer screen usage by rotating the screen vertically. It’s been found to ease the tasks of writing documents, editing photos, and coding. Switching from a horizontal orientation to a vertical one could just be the thing that makes your life easier. more
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How to restore closed tabs and sessions in your web browser

You’re surfing the web, don’t have time to finish picking out the perfect shoes or reading an interesting article – and then you close the wrong browser tab by mistake and your page is gone.  Or even worse, your entire browser closes with all your open tabs. more
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CC vs. BCC in email: Meanings and how to use them correctly

Cc and bcc can both be used to send copies of an email to additional recipients. But have you sometimes wondered what the letters stand for? Or have you steered clear of both because you aren’t quite sure about the difference between cc and bcc? We explain when to use cc vs bcc, how to find bcc in Outlook and your mail.com account – and the original meaning of cc. more
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How to update your CV for better results in 2024

Did you know that an outdated CV could be the only thing standing between you and success? Whether you are currently job hunting or not, it’s always a smart idea to keep your CV updated. A great opportunity could be right around the corner and having your CV ready to go can save you a lot of time and guarantee you a higher chance of being considered. more
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How to create email distribution lists in Outlook and mail.com

Need to send an email to your book club or all the parents in your daughter’s class? If you email a group regularly, you can create an email distribution list, AKA a contact group, so you can send messages to them in a single click. Our blog shows you how to create email lists – in mail.com and using Outlook. more
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Email life hack: Save and edit mails using email drafts

It happens all the time – you start writing an email but get interrupted before you can finish. Or maybe you aren’t happy with how you’ve phrased something. No problem – just save your message and you can go back to it whenever you’re ready to put on the finishing touches. more
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