Archie: The first internet search engine
Ever heard of “Archie” or the “Archie Query Form?” Or maybe you even remember using it back in the day? This Black History Month we are recognizing the amazing contribution of the search engine which has become a main pillar in everyday life. Being able to search any kind of information just at your fingertips is brought to you by Alan Emtage, a Black technologist who made the very first search engine in 1990.
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Does email work in space? How astronauts send emails
When humans first landed on the moon almost 53 years ago, email had not even been invented. Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since 1969, however, and now astronauts have more options for keeping in touch with their colleagues and family back on Earth.
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Email pioneer celebrates 25 years of reliable service and unique domain names
Founded in the early days of email, the brand is still going strong, letting customers maintain their original personalized email addresses while offering cutting-edge technical infrastructure, security and privacy protection.
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