Email pioneer celebrates 25 years of reliable service and unique domain names
Founded in the early days of email, the brand is still going strong, letting customers maintain their original personalized email addresses while offering cutting-edge technical infrastructure, security and privacy protection.
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The first email message: 52 years of email
It might feel like email has been with us forever, but in fact it’s just hitting middle age. The first email was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson, a young engineer at the firm of Bolt, Beranek and Newman.
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Emojis, emoticons & smileys: A brief history
It’s hard to imagine our online communications without emojis. They have made the leap from our emails and texts into popular culture, with an emoji movie and their own “holiday”: World Emoji Day on July 17. In honor of this special day, let’s take a look at the history of the emoji and its predecessor, the email emoticon. Plus: How to add emojis to your emails.
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Who invented the internet and when was it invented?
We all know that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and Karl Benz, the automobile. But who invented the internet? Even though we use the internet every day, we don’t widely cite a specific genius behind this innovation.
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THE CAPS LOCK KEY: Why is it there and how to reverse it
gOOD mORNING! Oops, was my Caps Lock on? Almost all of us have probably accidentally hit that key and produced a sentence of gobbledygook before noticing our mistake. After all, it’s very easy to hit it by mistake. Which may have you asking – why is Caps Lock there, should you even use it – and can you make it go away?
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Black History Month: salutes African-American computing pioneers
February is Black History Month! Since it was officially inaugurated across the United States by President Gerald Ford, Black History Month has been an important occasion for celebrating Black heritage and contributions in many different sectors. Today, join in saluting four Black trailblazers in the field of technology.
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What is a web browser?
Whether you surf the web on a laptop or smartphone, a web browser is the program that makes it possible. But there are a few things you might not know about web browsers. When were they invented? Do you have to use the browser that’s preinstalled on your device? Our blog connects the dots.
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Does email work in space? How astronauts send emails
When humans first landed on the moon almost 53 years ago, email had not even been invented. Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since 1969, however, and now astronauts have more options for keeping in touch with their colleagues and family back on Earth.
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History of passwords: Where does the password come from?
Ever wondered when people started using passwords? Discover the history of passwords – who invented passwords, where the notion of a secure digital password comes from, and what the future of passwords looks like.
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Archie: The first internet search engine
Ever heard of “Archie” or the “Archie Query Form?” Or maybe you even remember using it back in the day? This Black History Month we are recognizing the amazing contribution of the search engine which has become a main pillar in everyday life. Being able to search any kind of information just at your fingertips is brought to you by Alan Emtage, a Black technologist who made the very first search engine in 1990.
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