Spinach email & messages to trees: Plants that send & receive emails
You may have heard of people setting up email accounts or social media accounts for their pets. But for a tree!? It turns out that plant emails are actually a thing, and not just for bored owners of houseplants.
Scientists and local politicians have sown the seeds for this green phenomenon.
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Artificial intelligence and email writing
Have you ever stared at your full email inbox and wished you could wave a magic wand to write a reply to each one? While that future has not yet arrived, artificial intelligence is already making its mark on some aspects of email writing.
Find out how AI is becoming an increasingly commonplace tool in the email writing process.
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What is IMAP? What is POP3? Do I need to use them?
If you have ever set up an email account in an email program or app, you may have come across the acronyms “IMAP,” “POP” or sometimes “POP3.” Did you wonder which one to choose, or why you even needed them?
We explain POP3 vs IMAP, what these terms stand for, and how using each one affects your email account.
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Reduce your email stress in 2022 with these 6 tips
No one can deny that our constant connectedness through email, text messages, and social media can be overwhelming. And for many of us, a full email inbox has come to symbolize the overload we sometimes experience in our work lives.
So in 2022, resolve to manage stress with our six email stress reducers!
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Ask the Expert: mail.com customer support
At mail.com, we strive to offer our users the best possible email experience. But if you do have a question or an issue, mail.com Customer Care is standing by to assist you.
We interviewed two experts from our second-level customer support team to introduce you to the people behind the emails – and offer some insights into the mail.com support process.
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Happy birthday, email!
This year marks the 50th anniversary of email, a technology that has transformed the way the world communicates. From the first-ever message “QWERTYUIOP” to forming the backbone of today’s digital services, email has come a long way.
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Mail Collector: One inbox, multiple email accounts
Ever wondered if there is an alternative to the usual dance of switching between multiple email accounts to keep track of your correspondence? mail.com Mail Collector to the rescue!
Find out how you can check all your emails in one place.
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How to choose an email address
Need a new email address? Once you have decided on a provider, the toughest part is coming up with a unique email address. Maybe you just want to use your name, maybe you are looking to get creative and choose an address that reflects your personality or business. And once you come up with a great idea, you find that your dream name isn’t available!
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mail.com now running on wind energy
Company’s own data center in Lenexa, KS is now operating on 100% clean energy.
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Email pioneer mail.com celebrates 25 years of reliable service and unique domain names
Founded in the early days of email, the mail.com brand is still going strong, letting customers maintain their original personalized email addresses while offering cutting-edge technical infrastructure, security and privacy protection.
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