Applying by email: Samples for your successful job application
Like many other people, you may be looking around for a new job. And what is one of the most common ways to send a job application? Email, of course! Today shares our checklist and templates for sending in your application by email.
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How to write effective email subject lines
Do your emails often go unnoticed? Have you been sending emails and receiving no replies? Many people suffer from the same issue, but don’t worry! All that may be missing is the right subject line. So, we’ve brought you a comprehensive guide on how to write more effective email subject lines.
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What is a no-reply email – and what happens if you reply?
Have you ever received an email with the sender address “noreply@...” and started to wonder what it is all about? For example, are no-reply emails legit, or are they a sign of spam or phishing? How should you get in touch with the sender if you have questions? What happens if you do reply to a no-reply email?
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Out of office messages: Examples and what to avoid
It’s time for some hard-earned time off! Whether you’re headed for the beach or visiting family you haven’t seen for a while, wouldn’t it be nice to disconnect from the digital world for a while? But before you disappear, you can set up automatic replies for your emails so the senders know when they can expect a reply.
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Gamification: A powerful tool for email marketing
Ever wondered why platforms like Duolingo are so addictive? Or why brands with loyalty programs are much more popular than others? What if we told you that it’s all because of gamification? You may not be aware of it, but those brands know exactly how to use it to keep you wanting more.
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New: Direct access to your email list
When you log in to your email account, the first thing you probably want to see is whether or not you have new messages. is now offering a more streamlined experience for our users who log in through the web browser. Instead of the “Home” tab, they now go straight to the inbox.
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CC vs. BCC in email: Meanings and how to use them correctly
Cc and bcc can both be used to send copies of an email to additional recipients. But have you sometimes wondered what the letters stand for? Or have you steered clear of both because you aren’t quite sure about the difference between cc and bcc? We explain when to use cc vs bcc, how to find bcc in Outlook and your account – and the original meaning of cc.
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How to remove an email account from a phone without deleting the account
Maybe you got a new phone and you want to remove all your personal information from the old one before you give it away. Or there is a little used “junk mail” account taking up space. Good reasons to remove an email account from your phone! But how does it work? And what happens to the email account?
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What is user-generated content & how can you use it in email marketing?
Have you ever bought a product that you loved so much you just had to post about it online? It could be a new shirt, a new phone, or even a new menu at your favorite fast food place. You snap a picture or take a video to share with your loved ones so that they too could give your favorite product a try.
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How to create email distribution lists in Outlook and
Need to send an email to your book club or all the parents in your daughter’s class? If you email a group regularly, you can create an email distribution list, AKA a contact group, so you can send messages to them in a single click. Our blog shows you how to create email lists – in and using Outlook.
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