White keyboard with woman's fingers typing


All articles tagged "Trends"

Emojis, emoticons & smileys: A brief history

It’s hard to imagine our online communications without emojis. They have made the leap from our emails and texts into popular culture, with an emoji movie and their own “holiday”: World Emoji Day on July 17. In honor of this special day, let’s take a look at the history of the emoji and its predecessor, the email emoticon. Plus: How to add emojis to your mail.com emails. more
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Americans see data disclosure by internet companies or authorities as one of biggest threats to data security

  • Majority of U.S. Americans concerned about hacker attacks
  • A quarter worry about burglary and damage to homes
  • Dangerous lack of awareness: More than one in ten respond to spam emails
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What does QR stand for & how to use a QR code

QR codes seem to be everywhere you look nowadays. You see these “square barcodes” on ads and museum exhibits, packages and Wi-Fi access points. Even if you had never noticed them before the COVID pandemic, they are sure to have caught your eye since then. But did you know that QR codes have actually been around for more than 25 years? more
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Beware of online romance scams in 2023

Nowadays it’s common for romance to blossom online, with almost one-third of US adults having used a dating website or app. Unfortunately for all the lonely hearts out there, there are also lots of scammers online looking for money rather than love. more
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What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

When you leave your house do you set an alarm? When you’re out for a morning jog do you wear a watch capable of telling your heart rate and progress? Last question, have you seen those new refrigerators that have the capability to write a grocery list for you? Well, you have encountered the Internet of Things. more
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Artificial intelligence and email writing

Have you ever stared at your full email inbox and wished you could wave a magic wand to write a reply to each one? While that future has not yet arrived, artificial intelligence is already making its mark on some aspects of email writing.
Robot hands typing on computer keyboard
How do you write better emails with artificial intelligence?
Find out how AI is becoming an increasingly commonplace tool in the email writing process. more
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Why is it hard to detect sarcasm in texts, emails and apps?

Your friend writes that a first date “…could not have gone better”. She even posts a status update saying “my date is absolutely fantastic.” Was it true love or a fiasco? If you can’t tell, you are not alone. Sarcasm is hard to interpret in written form and even sometimes in person. mail.com explains why - and helps you do better. more
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What is green computing?

In the modern world, most of us use computing equipment on a daily basis at home or at work. So do you ever wonder about the environmental impact of all this computer usage? Or how the electricity costs related to computers affects your wallet or a company’s bottom line? more
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Spinach email & messages to trees: Plants that send & receive emails

You may have heard of people setting up email accounts or social media accounts for their pets. But for a tree!? It turns out that plant emails are actually a thing, and not just for bored owners of houseplants.
Smiling young man with laptop sits on grass leaning against tree trunk
Feel like sending a message to your favorite tree? In Melbourne, it’s possible!
Scientists and local politicians have sown the seeds for this green phenomenon. more
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How to make emojis from a keyboard on your laptop or computer

Most of us know how to make emojis on our phones, but did you know there is an emoji keyboard on your laptop as well? Today we show you several easy ways to do emojis on a computer – whether Windows or Mac – and where to find the emojis in your mail.com email. more
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