Easter emails: 20 eggs-cellent ideas and subject lines
With Easter just around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about sending out Easter emails! Businesses can use Easter-themed emails to promote special deals or to connect with subscribers and boost engagement. Easter is also a great time to put a smile on the face of your family and friends with a fun Easter message.
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Professional emails: How to write an effective business email
Email is a basic tool that we all use in our day-to day business communications. So, writing a polished professional email to a coworker, manager, or client is an important skill – but it can take some practice to master. Never fear: By following these steps and examples, you’ll soon be writing effective emails in every situation.
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Email greetings: Best ways to address an email formally and casually
As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And when it comes to writing an email, your email greeting can affect the way the recipient views you – and even whether they read your message. So, how do you address an email sender? Should you say hi in every email?
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Valentine's Day email ideas: Promotional, professional & personal
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, love is in the air – and email is the perfect way to express affection and send greetings to loved ones. If you’d like to send a special message to someone you care about, a Happy Valentine’s Day email is a great way to get started. And if you have a business, Valentine’s Day emails are ideal for showcasing your products and special deals.
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Create an email signature: Examples and templates
Whether you are looking for a way to highlight your professional credentials when contacting others by email or would simply like to let your personality shine through, an email signature is the perfect solution. Discover how to set up an automatic email signature today.
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Job search: Why follow-up after an interview?
Let’s set the scene: Imagine you have just nailed an interview for the position you have been dreaming of. Are you excited to see what the outcome will be? Well, you have to leave some time for the recruiter to process how great of a candidate you are. But a good rule of thumb is to wait between one to two business days before sending a follow-up thank you email after an interview.
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How to email a professor: 7-step guide with examples
Students! Heading back to school? Do you know how to write an email to a professor? There will come a time when you need to email a professor. Whether you’re writing an email to a teacher or professor, no need to stress about it.
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Thank you email: How to say thank you meaningfully
We say thank you all the time in person for all kinds of kind gestures. Writing an appreciation email is handy in many professional and personal settings. Have you ever received a thank-you email that made you feel appreciated? We all can enjoy receiving an email that reminds us of Elvis Presley’s famous words, “Thank you, thank you very much.”
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How to write an apology email
We have all been in the wrong here and there in life. But what happens when you’re in the wrong in a professional setting? You’re on the job and realize you’ve made an honest mistake and writing an apology email to address it can be nerve-racking. There are many ways you can successfully apologize in email and save face.
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How to ask for a donation in an email – with examples
Every good cause, from earthquake relief to the local Little League, needs money to run effectively. But no matter how worthy your cause, asking for donations can be a challenge. Email to the rescue! Our explainer shows you how to ask for a donation in an email and get results – including wording examples.
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