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All articles tagged "Security"

What is a VPN, what does it do, and why might I need one?

Looking for a way to boost your security when using public Wi-Fi? Tired of being tracked when surfing the web? Want a way around geographical restrictions on internet content? There is one tool designed to answer all these problems: a VPN. So, should you consider using one? more
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What is typosquatting? Types and examples

Fraudulent websites are a common example of a cybersecurity risk. Cybercriminals mimic the sites of trusted businesses to phish for visitors’ personal data or spread malware. One tool in their arsenal is typosquatting, where they buy domain names that are intentional misspellings of popular websites. more
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Email spam: Why do I get spam messages & how do I get rid of them?

Spam is one of the things people like least about email. Sometimes it is annoying but harmless – like  bulk advertising. Much worse are the spam emails that try to trick you into scams or contain computer viruses. Luckily, today’s spam blockers keep a large share of such messages from reaching your inbox. You can also help keep yourself safe by learning to identify the most common types of spam and using your spam folder effectively.

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How to choose the best password manager for you

Why use a password manager? It can be hard to come up with and remember unique and secure passwords for all the websites we use nowadays. But as soon as we get lazy – using the same password on multiple sites or a weak password like Password123 – we leave our data vulnerable to hackers and other cyber criminals. One solution is to use a password manager. more
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Eight easy ways to keep your phone & data safe when you travel

It seems impossible to imagine traveling without our phones these days. A smartphone lets us capture precious memories, keep in touch with our loved ones, and navigate strange cities. So picture what would happen if your phone was lost, damaged, or stolen in the middle of your trip. more
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Is this URL safe? How to check if a link you received is dangerous

“Check out this funny video!” “Click here for savings!” It seems like almost every email we receive these days is just begging us to click on one or several links. But unsafe links can install malware on your device or lead you to fraudulent websites. So how do you know when a URL is safe to click? more
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Fake job offer emails: How to avoid job scams

Taking advantage of people’s desire for remote positions and more flexibility, fake job offer scams are on the rise. Given the current rise in layoffs, more job seekers may be vulnerable to such scams. But fake job offers don’t just lead to disappointment – they are usually ploys to steal the unsuspecting target’s money or even involve them in criminal behavior. more
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Email life hack: How multiple email addresses boost your security

If you’re like me, you use your email address in a lot of different ways and a lot of different places. Of course it’s needed to send and receive personal and business correspondence. An email address is also usually required when you register to use online services, from payment platforms to social media. more
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How hackers steal passwords - and ways you can protect yours

From sophisticated programs to simple guesswork, there are many ways hackers steal passwords. No matter how your password lands in the hands of a cybercriminal, a hacked email account can be a real headache with often unforeseen consequences. Discover how to protect yourself from the most common methods of password theft. more
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Blocked by Spamhaus: Bounced emails and blocked IP addresses

Your email bounces back with a permanent error: “A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients.” When you look at the bounce message closely, you see it’s been blocked by “Spamhaus.” What’s that all about? more
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