Pet names & family birthdays: Popular passwords in different countries
Would you use your pet’s name as a password? This is a popular option in the UK. Or your wife’s birthday? Then you might be German! A survey sheds light on password trends in several different countries.
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History of passwords: Where does the password come from?
Ever wondered when people started using passwords? Discover the history of passwords – who invented passwords, where the notion of a secure digital password comes from, and what the future of passwords looks like.
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How hackers steal passwords - and ways you can protect yours
From sophisticated programs to simple guesswork, there are many ways hackers steal passwords. No matter how your password lands in the hands of a cybercriminal, a hacked email account can be a real headache with often unforeseen consequences. Discover how to protect yourself from the most common methods of password theft.
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World Password Day: ChatGPT is not a password manager
Good passwords are the foundation of internet security. Experts recommend using a unique, complex password for every login and online account. As the number of internet accounts steadily increases, this becomes quite a challenge – can modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems like ChatGPT help us invent and manage secure passwords? "It depends," says Arne Allisat, Head of Email Security at
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What happens when data is hacked? What hackers do with personal data
Have you ever wondered “Would it make a difference if someone hacked my account? I don’t have any secret stuff in there anyway…” Unfortunately, whether it’s your email inbox or a social media account, hackers can do all sorts of dangerous things with the personal data they steal. And the consequences could affect not just you, but your friends and family as well.
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Are security questions secure? Not really – here’s why
When was the last time someone asked you the middle name of your oldest sibling? Probably not something that comes up in casual conversation – which made it a good option to use as a security question for a bank or online account. But you may have noticed that you have not had to provide such seemingly random information recently.
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What to do if you click on a phishing link
“Oh, no – I accidently clicked a phishing link! Does that mean I’ve been hacked? Does my phone have a virus now!?” If you’ve ever been tricked into opening a fraudulent link in a phishing email, a text message from a strange number, or a sketchy website, you’ve probably experienced this moment of alarm.
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Types of two-factor authentication: Which 2FA is best?
Let’s face the facts: many of us are bad at passwords. We choose weak ones that are easy to guess, like "password 123," or we use the same password for multiple accounts. Even if we come up with strong, unique passwords for every online account, a password can still be stolen in a phishing scam. This is where 2FA can save the day.
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Strong password standards in 2024: Changes and best practices
Did you know that your formerly strong password may no longer be secure? Sad, but true – because cybercriminals are able to break previously hard-to-crack passwords with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as hacking systems and programs that are growing ever more effective and efficient.
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What is a brute force attack? Meaning, protection & prevention
You have probably heard about the importance of having long, complex passwords to protect you from “brute force attacks.” But what exactly does that mean – and is it as dangerous as it sounds? Today, our blog explains this hacking method and how a brute force attack can be prevented.
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