White keyboard with woman's fingers typing


All articles tagged "Office"

What is an electronic signature and how to create yours

Ever needed to sign a legally binding document but you were on vacation? Needed to sign a contract but you were not in the state? Create an electronic signature with tools you are using already! Digitizing your signature will revolutionize your ability when it comes to giving your John Hancock. more
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Your free mail.com Cloud gets a fresh new look

Sometimes it’s the little things that mean a lot! Our Cloud team has been working behind the scenes to make a series of small improvements to the mail.com Cloud – which add up to an even more delightful user experience for you! more
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What are cultural differences in email communication?

Culture is such a tapestry of different pieces being brought together to create a beautiful photo. This super awesome tapestry is not exempt from working environments or even emails! In all professional settings and workplaces, sending an email professionally is a key element to communicating effectively with colleagues. more
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Effortless keyboard shortcuts for your PC or Mac

Working on your laptop without a mouse? Using a different browser and can’t find the function you need in the menu? Looking to speed up your scrolling? Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier and faster to work on a computer (they’re called shortcuts for a reason!). more
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How to write an apology email

We have all been in the wrong here and there in life. But what happens when you’re in the wrong in a professional setting? You’re on the job and realize you’ve made an honest mistake and writing an apology email to address it can be nerve-racking. There are many ways you can successfully apologize in email and save face. more
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How to compress a file to ZIP: Step by step

Photos, videos, presentations – some computer files are so large they are hard to send as attachments. And if you have limited storage space on your computer, large files can cause problems. mail.com shows you how to zip files to make them smaller and gives you some recommendations for (free!) software you can use. more
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Email read receipts: Should I request receipts and how do they work?

Are you sending an important email and want to make sure that the recipient actually opened and read it? One way to make sure is by requesting a read receipt. But are they always the best choice?  Learn how and when to request a read receipt, and your alternatives for getting an email confirmation. more
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How to respond to work emails that upset you

*Ding* You’ve just gotten an email and it does not sound polite at all. Actually, it is so unpolite that it is really upsetting. First instinct is of course to respond and make your points known in the same language and attitude of the email you received. But what if it was not intended to be rude? more
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How to take a screenshot on your computer

Are you having a problem with your computer and would like to take a screenshot to show tech support what’s going on? Or maybe you just put together a graphic and want some input from a coworker? Most of us know how to take a screenshot on our phones, but did you know there are lots of different ways to do it on your PC or MacBook as well?
Woman and pug dog sit on couch looking at laptop
Capture what’s on your screen at the press of a button
Today we show you ten easy methods. more
102 people found this article helpful.

Product update: create templates in Online Office

For all you fans of the free templates and office suite in your mail.com account, we’re pleased to announce several updates to our Online Office!
Working woman at online shop wearing casual clothing and using laptop for work organization
Working on invoices? Why not create a template in Online Office?
Find out how to create your own templates, edit attachments without downloading, and use the new ribbon toolbar. more
135 people found this article helpful.