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All articles tagged "Netiquette"

How to write an apology email

We have all been in the wrong here and there in life. But what happens when you’re in the wrong in a professional setting? You’re on the job and realize you’ve made an honest mistake and writing an apology email to address it can be nerve-racking. There are many ways you can successfully apologize in email and save face. more
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How to ask for a donation in an email – with examples

Every good cause, from earthquake relief to the local Little League, needs money to run effectively. But no matter how worthy your cause, asking for donations can be a challenge. Email to the rescue! Our explainer shows you how to ask for a donation in an email and get results – including wording examples.

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Why is it hard to detect sarcasm in texts, emails and apps?

Your friend writes that a first date “…could not have gone better”. She even posts a status update saying “my date is absolutely fantastic.” Was it true love or a fiasco? If you can’t tell, you are not alone. Sarcasm is hard to interpret in written form and even sometimes in person. mail.com explains why - and helps you do better. more
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Email read receipts: Should I request receipts and how do they work?

Are you sending an important email and want to make sure that the recipient actually opened and read it? One way to make sure is by requesting a read receipt. But are they always the best choice?  Learn how and when to request a read receipt, and your alternatives for getting an email confirmation. more
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How to respond to work emails that upset you

*Ding* You’ve just gotten an email and it does not sound polite at all. Actually, it is so unpolite that it is really upsetting. First instinct is of course to respond and make your points known in the same language and attitude of the email you received. But what if it was not intended to be rude? more
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Feeling misunderstood? Text tone indicators help clarify meaning online

If you are a frequent user of social media platforms, you may have spotted additions to people’s posts in the form of a slash and a letter, like this: /srs. This is called a tone indicator. Like the tone of a person’s voice pitched higher to indicate a question or louder to indicate anger, these markers help clarify the meaning of the words. more
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