Sign up for email right in our mobile app

Are you interested in downloading and using the mobile app? The app is a great choice for your mobile communication needs because it combines your email and cloud storage in a single application. You don’t need a account before you download – you can create an email account right in the app.
Smiling man holding smartphone
You’ll be surprised how easy it is to create a account in our app

by Alyssa Schmitt

Specially developed for use with the Android or iOS operating systems, our apps let you enjoy the full security and convenience of your inbox while still taking advantage of phone features that you love, like facial identification, document scanning, email address and calendar syncing, dark mode and more!  You can even make the mobile app the default email app on your phone.

Sign me up! You might say. But then you realize you don’t have a email account. No problem – you don’t need to be at your computer to register for a email address. Once you download the app to your mobile device, you can create a new email address in just a few taps and get started using the app right away. Here’s how it works:
  1. Register in iPhone app
  2. Register in Android app
Screenshots of username and domain selection in app
1-2-3 done! Choose a name and email domain to create a customized email address right in the app

Register an email address in the app for iOS

Before you can sign up, you’ll need to go to the App Store and download the free Mail App for iPhone and iPad. When you open the app, you’ll see a login screen that also offers the option to register. Tap “Register” to start the sign-up process
  1. To create an email address, type in your preferred name and tap the down arrow next to to open a list of more than 100 email domains. Tap the circle next to your preferred domain to select it.
  2. Tap “Check” to see if the requested email address is available. If it is, tap “Next” to register the address. If it is not available, the app will suggest similar email addresses that are still available. Tap “Accept” to select one of the suggested addresses.
  3. Enter your name, location, and date of birth, then tap “Next”.
  4. Enter a mobile phone number as a password recovery option. We will only use this number to send you a verification code if you initiate our password reset process.  Important: please provide a valid cell phone number; otherwise, you will not be able to automatically reset your password if you should forget it.
  5. Complete the reCAPTCHA process and agree to our privacy policy and terms and conditions (tap the links to read) by tapping “I agree. Create an email account now”.
Viola! Your new inbox will now open in the app and you can get started using your free email and Cloud. If you’d like some pointers on how to use the app, see Get started with our iOS email app
Pro tip: Automatic photo uploads and Cloud upgrades

One of our favorite features in the app is automatic photo upload, which you can activate at any time to create an automatic backup of any pictures you take on your phone. If you lose or break your phone, your precious memories will still be safe in your secure Cloud, where 2GB of cloud storage are free; if you’d like more storage space, it’s convenient to upgrade your Cloud as an in-app purchase right from the app menu.

Register an email address in the app for Android

As a first step, go to the Google Play Store and download the app for Android. When you open the app for the first time, there will be a welcome screen where you can log in or register. If you don’t have a email account yet – or even if you do, but you’d like to create another one to use for a different purpose – tap “Register”. Then follow these steps to create a customized email address and start using your account.
  1. Type in your preferred email name (e.g., John.R.Smith), then select the email domain you’d like to combine it with. Tapping the arrow in the field next to “” will open a list of all our 100+ domains for you to choose from.
  2. Tap “Check” to see if your desired combination is available. If it is not, you will be offered some suggestions of similar email addresses to choose from. Once you have an available address that you’re happy with, tap “Next”
  3. Enter your name, location, and date of birth, then tap “Next”
  4. Enter a mobile phone number for use in our password recovery process. We will only ever use this number to send you a verification code if you request a password reset. If you do not save a valid cell phone number, our automated password reset process will not work for you.
  5. Complete the reCAPTCHA verification and then tap “I agree. Create an email account now”. (Tap the links to read our privacy policy and terms and conditions before agreeing.)
Congratulations on your new email address! The app will now open and you will have the option to sync your contacts and calendar and to activate photo uploads. No worries if you’re not ready to use any of these features yet – you can always go to your app settings and activate or deactivate functions as you wish. Do you need help with your new app? We’ve got you covered! How to get started with our Android email app
Good to know: Why does want my address and date of birth when I register?

It’s important that you save accurate personal information in your account settings. That’s because we use this data in our identity verification process when you contact customer service for assistance. We also ask for a cell phone number – and you can also enter a contact email address under “My Account” – so we can contact you in case you cannot log in to your account, e.g., because you have forgotten your password. Never fear – does not ever share your personal account information with any third parties. For more details, see  Account registration: What can happen if I enter false information?

We hope that you enjoy using the app mobile app on your smartphone!

Looking to create a free email account on your computer? Go to Create Email Account

Images: 1&1/GettyImages

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