The best of three months – blog

The blog is now three months old – that’s almost four years in dog years! And though the time has flown quickly, we feel like we’ve covered a lot of ground together – from discovering features to ways to save the planet. To celebrate our first three months, today we are crowning the five most-read posts since our blog was launched. Take a look and make sure you haven’t missed out on any of these favorites!
Two happy dogs wearing birthday hats
It’s time to celebrate your favorite blog posts! blog top posts

(Drumroll, please…)

1st place: Spring cleaning for your inbox

Who would have guessed that readers are such neat freaks?! Our post with simple hacks for decluttering your email was by far the most popular of our first three months. If you haven’t yet, try some of our simple tricks to bring more order to your inbox.

2nd place: Cloud storage by

Storing photos and documents online “in the cloud” is not only a secure option, but one that makes it easy to share files with friends and family. So it’s no wonder that our readers were eager to find out how they can take full advantage of the free 2 GB of cloud storage in their email accounts.

3rd place: Checklist: Your personal settings

We know that your emails are an important part of your life, so it came as no surprise that readers would be interested in a post about keeping their email account secure. In case you missed it, read this article today to learn more about your security settings and password recovery options.

4th place: Why (and how) to use email aliases

We think one of the coolest features of is that users can select from our 100+ domains to create up to ten email addresses (which we call aliases) in the same account. And you obviously think it’s cool, too – which explains the popularity of this post. If you haven’t checked it out yet, there’s no time like the present!

5th place: Phishing emails: How to protect yourself

Unfortunately, there are still cybercriminals out there who try to use email to scam unsuspecting users. This popular post helped you learn how to recognize fraudulent emails designed to trick you into revealing your passwords and other private information. If you haven’t read this article yet, it’s definitely worth five minutes of your time right now.

Honorable mention: 50th anniversary of email

As the authors of the blog, we also have favorites. We found this article the most fun so far – because if you haven’t guessed by now, we love a celebration! If you’re also a history buff or a technology lover, you’ll be fascinated by this look back at the early days of email.

We hope you enjoyed our anniversary countdown! Before you go back to re-reading your favorite posts, please give us some feedback below.

Image: pexels/Anna Shvets

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