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Tips and tricks for getting the most out of your email

mail.com blog

What is an SSL certificate?

SSL, TLS, https – it may seem like alphabet soup, but it actually has to do with the security of your data as you surf the web. Whether it’s your online banking credentials or the credit card information you enter on an online shopping site, SSL protocols keep sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. more
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What is a VPN, what does it do, and why might I need one?

Looking for a way to boost your security when using public Wi-Fi? Tired of being tracked when surfing the web? Want a way around geographical restrictions on internet content? There is one tool designed to answer all these problems: a VPN. So, should you consider using one? more
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Black Friday: Festival for AI-generated spam and phishing

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the weeks leading up to them are peak season for bargain hunters. Criminals are particularly active when numerous online shops are already advertising special offers. more
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What is a screen recorder & how to screen record on your device

Ever wanted to show someone exactly what you were seeing? In our increasingly digital world, a simple screen shot just won’t cut it sometimes. Capture the moment in a screen recording to give your recipient a first-person point of view. Screen recording can allow you to capture live stream moments, tutorials, and more. Let’s go on this journey through the art of screen recording on an iPhone, Android, Windows, and Mac. more
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What is typosquatting? Types and examples

Fraudulent websites are a common example of a cybersecurity risk. Cybercriminals mimic the sites of trusted businesses to phish for visitors’ personal data or spread malware. One tool in their arsenal is typosquatting, where they buy domain names that are intentional misspellings of popular websites. more
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Email spam: Why do I get spam messages & how do I get rid of them?

Spam is one of the things people like least about email. Sometimes it is annoying but harmless – like  bulk advertising. Much worse are the spam emails that try to trick you into scams or contain computer viruses. Luckily, today’s spam blockers keep a large share of such messages from reaching your inbox. You can also help keep yourself safe by learning to identify the most common types of spam and using your spam folder effectively.

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Job search: Why follow-up after an interview?

Let’s set the scene: Imagine you have just nailed an interview for the position you have been dreaming of. Are you excited to see what the outcome will be? Well, you have to leave some time for the recruiter to process how great of a candidate you are. But a good rule of thumb is to wait between one to two business days before sending a follow-up thank you email after an interview. more
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What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

When you leave your house do you set an alarm? When you’re out for a morning jog do you wear a watch capable of telling your heart rate and progress? Last question, have you seen those new refrigerators that have the capability to write a grocery list for you? Well, you have encountered the Internet of Things. more
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What are push notifications and what is the best way to manage them?

*Ding* Your smart phone lights up. *Vibrate* A notification appears on your lock screen. And what’s that pop-up in your browser window? Push notifications help keep us up to date at all times. This has its advantages, but it can also be distracting or even annoying. more
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THE CAPS LOCK KEY: Why is it there and how to reverse it

gOOD mORNING! Oops, was my Caps Lock on? Almost all of us have probably accidentally hit that key and produced a sentence of gobbledygook before noticing our mistake. After all, it’s very easy to hit it by mistake. Which may have you asking – why is Caps Lock there, should you even use it – and can you make it go away? more
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