You’ve already made your default iPhone email app but are having issues adding contacts to and from your app and your iPhone?
We have the answer for you!
At, we strive to offer our users the best possible email experience. But if you do have a question or an issue, Customer Care is standing by to assist you.
We interviewed two experts from our second-level customer support team to introduce you to the people behind the emails – and offer some insights into the support process.
The email provider is now using the international security standard DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance). This improves the protection of its users against fraud emails with forged sender addresses.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of email, a technology that has transformed the way the world communicates. From the first-ever message “QWERTYUIOP” to forming the backbone of today’s digital services, email has come a long way.
Ever wondered if there is an alternative to the usual dance of switching between multiple email accounts to keep track of your correspondence? Mail Collector to the rescue!
Find out how you can check all your emails in one place.
Need a new email address? Once you have decided on a provider, the toughest part is coming up with a unique email address. Maybe you just want to use your name, maybe you are looking to get creative and choose an address that reflects your personality or business. And once you come up with a great idea, you find that your dream name isn’t available!
Feel like you’re having déjà vu? You may be slightly right! But for those of you who missed our blog post last week, the Organizer is a free online calendar accessible to all users and an extremely effective productivity tool to manage your daily tasks!
If you are not familiar with the Organizer, let us introduce you to this great productivity tool! The Organizer is a free online calendar accessible anytime and anywhere for users. It is simple in design and use, yet packed with features that make managing your time a snap!
Your Organizer, the online calendar in your account, is the perfect tool for scheduling all the events in your life, big or small. Accessible and in sync anywhere you log in to your email – laptop, tablet or smartphone – your online planner not only lets you send invites to appointments, but also add reminders for yourself and other participants. Learn how to set reminders today and never miss out on another event!