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Tips and tricks for getting the most out of your email

mail.com blog

mail.com Cloud sync: New software for Mac and PC

mail.com introduces an easy way to download and/or share cloud docs and photos: With the new mail.com Cloud sync tool for Windows or Mac, files saved in the mail.com Cloud can also be made available offline. more
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Sync your contacts and calendars in our email app for Android

Are you using the mail.com email app on your Android phone? Did you know that you can sync your mail.com address book and calendar with the apps on your phone?
Smiling man leaning against wall looking at Android device
In just two taps, you can sync your Android calendar and merge contacts
It only takes a few taps – we’ll show you how. more
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Find that email you’re looking for (and more)

Nowadays we send and receive vast amounts of email, and may not always be disciplined about organizing our inboxes or deleting email messages we no longer need. So what to do when we need to find a specific email, saved file, or piece of information among the hundreds of messages in our account?
Smiling woman and cat sit on couch looking at laptop
From an important email to a new scratching post, use the mail.com search tool to find what you are looking for
This is where the mail.com search tool comes in. more
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Artificial intelligence and email writing

Have you ever stared at your full email inbox and wished you could wave a magic wand to write a reply to each one? While that future has not yet arrived, artificial intelligence is already making its mark on some aspects of email writing.
Robot hands typing on computer keyboard
How do you write better emails with artificial intelligence?
Find out how AI is becoming an increasingly commonplace tool in the email writing process. more
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What is IMAP? What is POP3? Do I need to use them?

If you have ever set up an email account in an email program or app, you may have come across the acronyms “IMAP,” “POP” or sometimes “POP3.” Did you wonder which one to choose, or why you even needed them?
Web designer working on laptop while holding smartphone
Do you need to set up IMAP or POP3 to check your emails?
We explain POP3 vs IMAP, what these terms stand for, and how using each one affects your email account. more
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How to get started with the mail.com Mail App for Android

Would you prefer easy access to your mail.com account everywhere you go?
Multi-ethnic group of friends with smart phones sitting on stairs outdoors
It just takes a few steps to get started with our Mail App
Read along and follow our instructions to get started with the highly secure mail.com app on all your Android devices. more
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Email 2FA: How can two-factor authentication keep online accounts safer?

Have you ever wondered if you should enable 2FA for your online accounts? mail.com explains how two-factor authentication works and looks at the hows and whys of authentication apps.
Woman sitting in café looking at laptop while holding smartphone
Use 2FA with an authentication app for extra online protection
Keep reading to learn whether you could benefit from 2FA. more
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Reduce your email stress in 2022 with these 6 tips

No one can deny that our constant connectedness through email, text messages, and social media can be overwhelming. And for many of us, a full email inbox has come to symbolize the overload we sometimes experience in our work lives.
Smiling women sits in front of laptop with eyes closed making the Gyan mudra meditation gesture with each hand
Make less email stress your New Year's resolution!
So in 2022, resolve to manage stress with our six email stress reducers! more
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Ransomware attacks: How you can recognize and prevent ransomware

Red-on-black image of locked computer screen against a background of binary code
Do you know how to recognize and protect yourself against ransomware?
You may have seen headlines about ransomware attacks on institutions ranging from banks to hospitals to gas-pipelines. But what is ransomware, why is it dangerous, and can such attacks be prevented? Today, we answer your questions about ransomware. more
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In case you missed it: Our mail.com blog readers' favorites

It was a busy year at the mail.com blog – after a successful launch in April we covered topics from spam-fighting tips and inbox tricks to explainers about the world of email. What posts proved the most popular?
Woman holds beagle on lap while looking at laptop
Which blog articles were most popular with our readers?
In case you missed them, our readers' favorites of 2021! more
835 people found this article helpful.

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