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Tips and tricks for getting the most out of your email

mail.com blog

How to use ChatGPT prompts to write effective emails

Have you ever wished you had a personal assistant to help you with your emails? ChatGPT and other AI chatbots can be valuable tools in upping your email game – but only with effective guidance from you. So let’s chat about the best prompts and instructions you can use to get the most out of your AI assistant. more
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What does QR stand for & how to use a QR code

QR codes seem to be everywhere you look nowadays. You see these “square barcodes” on ads and museum exhibits, packages and Wi-Fi access points. Even if you had never noticed them before the COVID pandemic, they are sure to have caught your eye since then. But did you know that QR codes have actually been around for more than 25 years? more
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What is cyberstalking? Definition and prevention

Complete strangers can see when you’ve liked a photo, commented, and a lot of other actions. Unfortunately, there are people out there that will stalk others in-person and online.  Most of us use social media nowadays to keep in touch with friends and family, but there is also the risk of being stalked online. more
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How to choose the best password manager for you

Why use a password manager? It can be hard to come up with and remember unique and secure passwords for all the websites we use nowadays. But as soon as we get lazy – using the same password on multiple sites or a weak password like Password123 – we leave our data vulnerable to hackers and other cyber criminals. One solution is to use a password manager. more
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Secure Wi-Fi router: 8 ways to keep your home network safe

Nowadays most of us use Wi-Fi at home to connect all our personal devices – computer, smartphone, smart TV, etc. – to  the internet. In addition to the convenience of checking social media from our comfy beds, however, we use our home networks for more sensitive purposes like online banking and remote work. So, it’s not just important to protect our accounts and devices from hackers, but the Wi-Fi router as well. more
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Recycle old computers and computer parts – safely!

You’ve noticed that your phone is slowing down, or you wish your old computer had more bells and whistles. So you start looking around for a new device – but what do you do with the old one? Nowadays there are a lot of options for recycling hardware and disposing of e-waste. Just make sure you take the right steps to backup and wipe your data first! more
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How to email a professor: 7-step guide with examples

Students! Heading back to school? Do you know how to write an email to a professor? There will come a time when you need to email a professor. Whether you’re writing an email to a teacher or professor, no need to stress about it. more
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New: All your week’s appointments at a glance in your Organizer

Worrying about missing an appointment in your crowded calendar? Wouldn’t it be great to have a quick and convenient overview of your schedule? Look no further: The mail.com Organizer has a new sidebar to help you navigate through your week without a hitch. more
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18 email etiquette rules: Essential tips for personal & professional emails

From professional greetings in email to a choosing the right closing, proper email etiquette can be tricky. Given the many messages we write, read and reply to every day, it can be easy to make an embarrassing mistake. But it pays to make an effort: Email etiquette helps you make a good impression by showing respect and appreciation in your communications. more
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What is catfishing online & how to catch it

Online dating is the new norm for many people because it’s easy to match with people at your fingertips. Can you ever really know who you’re talking to online? Even if you haven’t seen the documentary or the popular TV show, catfishing happens more often than you might think. more
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